Week 8 Reading and writing

I believe I have had most trouble with reading's where the material was scanned in via pdf. But also the nature of the translation's and reading them at time's seemed hard to understand, no matter how the source material was presented to me. I believe my writing style works for me very well because I do enjoy retelling stories to friends and family and I am not good at remembering dialogue most of the time which is why I try not to create my own, I want consistency when I retell a story and it's easier for me without dialogue. My favorite stories so far are the two about the Pandavas, both the initial house burning and the ghosts in the woods. Continuing forward I may try to get a little bit more creative in my posts, using some more dialogue, however as I said consistency is important to me and I believe stories are easier to retell multiple times when not trying to remember multiple dialogues.

Vyasa summons the ghosts
Image Source


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