Arthur in India?! Last semester I told my own story of the Legend of King Arthur. This semester I shall expand on it and bring the fabled king to India to share in an adventure with Rama. Still working out the details in my mind on what he's doing there, why, how he got there initially and all of the fun information. However the primary adventure he is going to embark on with Rama is to help Rama find his two sons. In exchange, Rama will help Arthur with his own quest. But what is his quest? Well I have a few weeks to figure that out but I promise to make it interesting. Another possible quest for the two heroes is to go after the Demon King Ravana! Ravana was not granted immortality, but rather could not be killed by any demons, gods, rakshasa, serpent or spirit. However, King Arthur from my previous story is an interesting being, and I think he might be able to fit into the loop hole of those who can kill Ravana. But why would Arthur want to battle against Ravana? Maybe Ravan...